Introducing INEB

The Institute for Sustainability and Energy in Construction (INEB) at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) has established itself as one of the leading Swiss institutes in applied energy research in over 25 years. The INEB is active in the field of efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energies in the construction sector. It deals with the efficient use of energy, the use of renewable energies, sustainable planning and construction, resources for efficient and circular construction and healthy building topics such as indoor air quality in education and training, research and in projects with practice partners. 


In GreeNest, INEB is responsible for the development of an earth screed for the demo building in Berlin. Additionally, the team is supporting a virtual demo building in Switzerland. INEB is supporting the project with a methodology to assess environmental impacts of building materials, components and whole buildings. In order to illustrate especially new, biogenic, natural-based and reuse materials and components a dynamic building component calculator and database with an interface for different existing software solutions will be developed.  


Introducing AMS


Introducing HAM Systems